OB Medical History

OB Medical History

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Please complete this patient information survey to the best of your knowledge & ability. Please leave any sections blank if you are unsure or uncomfortable answering. The purpose of these questions is to recognize a holistic range of factors which may affect your care, and to help us identify and meet your individual health needs. This survey will become part of your confidential medical record. Thank you!
**Consent to transmit patient information and my signature electronically.

All data submitted through this form electronically will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy and will be encrypted and stored securely.


Patient Name


Are you certain of this date?
Were you on birth control or breastfeeding at the time of conception?
Have you had any ultrasound during this pregnancy?
Was this pregnancy planned?
Do you or the baby's father have any personal history or blood relatives with the following conditions (check all that apply):