Written by Southwest Midwives Client
The word induction definitely scared me, and I imagined that my plan for a natural birth was completely out the window. However, with my high blood pressure issues and Cillian measuring small, I knew I had to make the decision that was best for his health and mine. Getting our baby into the world safely was the only thing that really mattered. Going into it, I trusted that my support people and the midwives knew what my birth plan was and would help me follow it as closely as possible. I feel so very fortunate that my body followed along.
Once the contractions started, I felt like I was very in and out and didn’t have the ability to advocate for myself. However, the midwives, nurses, my husband, and mom all had my back. They assisted me with getting out of bed, using the medicine ball, and even taking a bath. All things that I thought were off the table with an induction. I found myself most relaxed in the bath with my husband by my side. I think that relaxation helped my body do what it needed to.
After my water broke, the pain was intense and I didn’t think I could handle it, but everybody around me knew I could and cheered me on. The midwives got me moving in the bed, onto my side, on all fours, and eventually into a squat position. The movement allowed me to focus on getting Cillian out, rather than on the pain. My husband and mom’s encouragement aided me in breathing through each contraction. They gave me the strength to keep pushing.
Going into it, I truly thought my birth plan was going to change with induction, but I was still able to have a beautiful natural birth full of movement with so much support. Truly the only thing that changed my plan was that I was induced. Everything that followed was all that I could have imagined or dreamed my birth to be!