Pregnancy & Childbirth
- Prenatal care (all recommended care)
- Nutrition and exercise counseling
- Labor support and birth of baby at Mercy Regional Medical Center
- Hydrotherapy in labor, including waterbirth
- Postpartum care and breastfeeding support
- Availability of all pain control options (hydrotherapy, nitrous oxide, IV medication and epidural)
- Vaginal birth after C-Section
- Intermittent or Wireless Monitoring during labor for freedom of movement
- Support and management of miscarriage
- Treatment of Postpartum Depression
- WIC referrals

Women’s Health
- Annual exam & pap smear
- Birth control (IUD, Nexplanon, Depo Provera)
- Breast examination
- Preconception care
- Pregnancy testing
- PMS counseling
- Diagnosis and treatment of vaginal and urinary tract infections
- STI screening and treatment
- Resource and referrals
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Menopause counseling
- Treatment of minor illnesses
- Sports physicals

Childbirth Education Classes
Taught by Abbie Downing owner of Animas Birth Doula
Total Cost $100
A new session starts on the first Thursday of each month. We recommend starting the class between 28-34 weeks. Each session is a series of four classes. These classes are open to anyone in the community.
Week 1: Preparing Mind & Body for Birth and Signs and Stages of Labor
Week 2: Hospital Procedures, Comfort Measures and Pain Control
Week 3: Labor and Delivery- Early Labor Through Delivery
Week 4: Newborn Procedures, Bonding, and Breastfeeding, Postpartum

Breastfeeding Group
Hosted by Katie Perez, IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
Free group for any breastfeeding moms that need support in our community.
Held every other Monday afternoon at our office.
Please call our office to register 970-247-5543.

Insurance & Financing
We accept many insurance plans, including Colorado, New Mexico and ER Medicaid. Financing plans are available for self-pay.
We can bill insurance companies as a courtesy to you. If you are a member of one of our contracted insurance companies, we will collect any applicable co-payments at the time of service.
If you have questions about whether we are contracted with a particular insurance company, feel free to call our office any time to check and verify your insurance with our practice.
Special circumstances may require a payment plan; please make these arrangements in advance by contacting our front office during regular office hours.
Please know the terms of your insurance. Be sure to bring your insurance card to your appointment.