Is midwifery care right for me?
Choosing between a midwife and an OB/GYN is an individual decision. Midwives are experts in normal pregnancies and have recently grown in popularity. In 1989, Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) attended 3.2% of all deliveries in the United States but that number has grown to 8% in 2021.
Cochrane is an international non-profit organization that provides high-quality healthcare information for health practitioners and for the public. In 2004, they developed a review of midwifery and then updated it in 2016. Their findings show that women who received care from a midwife with who they have built a trusted relationship with were
- 24% less likely to experience preterm birth,
- 19% less likely to lose their baby before 24 weeks’ gestation, and
- 16% less likely to lose their baby at any gestation.
Women in the care of a midwife had more vaginal births, less interventions during birth such as instrumental births, amniotomies, epidural and episiotomies, and had more positive labor and birth experiences.
Midwifery at Southwest Midwives

All of the midwives at Southwest Midwives are Certified Nurse-Midwives with Master’s Degrees. Our midwives are credentialed to perform births at Mercy Regional Medical Center and do not perform any home births. As Advanced Practice Nurses (APN’s), all of our midwives can prescribe medications as needed.
At Southwest Midwives, we provide individualized care in a small group practice. This means that we spend more time with our patients to answer their questions and get to know them better. We are also the only providers at Mercy Regional Medical Center who offer waterbirth as a birthing option. Another fact that sets us apart from other midwives, is we support women in their choice for pain control in labor. Our clients are offered the use of IV medication, nitrous oxide or epidurals if they choose.
Conditions safely managed by midwives
Many conditions that may be considered high-risk can be managed safely by our midwives. These conditions include:
- Advanced Maternal Age (over 35 years)
- Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy
- History of infertility
- History of miscarriage
- Pregnancy conceived with IVF or IUI
- History of hypertension or preeclampsia in pregnancy
- Gestational Diabetes
Conditions requiring OB/GYN management
There are some types of pregnancies and conditions that are not suitable for a midwife such as:
- Twin Pregnancy
- Diabetes Requiring Insulin
- Chronic Hypertension requiring multiple medications
What if I need a c-section?
One of the main differences in care is that midwives do not perform c-sections. Between 10-15% of our patients will need a cesarean delivery (either scheduled or not). When your midwife determines you need a c-section, they will notify one of our collaborating physicians and our anesthesiologists. Your midwife will assist in your surgery and remain with you the entire time. We will continue to stay involved with your care after the c-section.
If you are not sure if midwifery care is right for you but are interested in learning more, please call our office 970-247-5543 to schedule a free consultation!
Learn more about midwifery.