商品の説明 洋画や外国映画のDVD、Blu-rayを豊富に取り揃えています 名作から話題作まで、さまざまな映画を楽しめます 海外の映画のDVDやブルーレイ Determined to escape from the harsh regime of China to the freedom of Hong Kong, three youths are captured by Mr. Hok, a sadistic human smuggler who subjects them to an unrelenting assault of degradation. Pushed to the limits of human endurance, the prisoners must fight for their lives in an unforgettable, action-packed climax. Never seen before by American audiences, this jaw-dropping exploitation masterpiece is the most shocking film ever from the director of the shocking cult classic, /"Men Behind the Sun./" 商品の情報 カテゴリーCD・DVD・ブルーレイ > DVD > 洋画・外国映画商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域埼玉県
Determined to escape from the harsh regime of China to the freedom of Hong Kong, three youths are captured by Mr. Hok, a sadistic human smuggler who subjects them to an unrelenting assault of degradation. Pushed to the limits of human endurance, the prisoners must fight for their lives in an unforgettable, action-packed climax. Never seen before by American audiences, this jaw-dropping exploitation masterpiece is the most shocking film ever from the director of the shocking cult classic, /"Men Behind the Sun./"
カテゴリーCD・DVD・ブルーレイ > DVD > 洋画・外国映画商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし発送元の地域埼玉県